Sakaguchi Yuzan- Sensei Collaboration On Youtube

New Collaboration Video Series: Shawn Head & Sakaguchi Yuzan

This week, from Monday to Friday, we are excited to release a series of collaboration videos featuring the renowned Japanese shakuhachi master, Sakaguchi Yuzan. The videos will showcase two new compositions, blending traditional Japanese music with contemporary influences, and highlighting the unique chemistry between Yuzan Sensei and myself.

Yuzan Sensei shared his thoughts on our collaboration, saying:

~万歳!!! ショーン大龍さん~ 日本文化と尺八をこよなく愛しているショーン大龍君との出会いは、私の尺八人世の中での宝物です。ショーン大龍君は、古典本曲から現代音楽、ジャズetc……また教授活動や作曲もするマルチなプレーヤーです。尺八を初めて、余り時間が経っていないようですが、彼の艶のある音は、聴衆を魅了するでしょう。私と35歳の年の差ですが、これからの30年のますますの成長が楽しみでなりません。 日々精進・稽古一生 尺八道に邁進してください。                          夕山より

English from Yuzan Sensei:

"Banzai!!! Shawn Tairyu-san
Meeting Shawn Tairyu, who deeply loves Japanese culture and the shakuhachi, is a treasure in my shakuhachi life. Shawn Tairyu is a multi-talented player, ranging from classical pieces to contemporary music, jazz, and more, as well as being involved in teaching and composition. Though it seems his years with shakuhachi are few compared to myself, his rich and beautiful tone will surely captivate audiences. Despite the 35 years between us, I look forward to his growth over the next 30 years.
Please continue your daily practice and dedication to the way of the shakuhachi.
From Yuzan."

It is truly an honor to receive such kind words from a master of his caliber. We are incredibly excited to share this special collaboration with all of you this week, and we hope you enjoy the music as much as we enjoyed creating it.

About Sakaguchi Yuzan (阪口夕山)

尺八演奏家 阪口夕山(Yuuzan Sakaguchi)
日本音楽集団 団員   (公財)都山流尺八楽会 竹琳軒大師範
大阪音楽大学邦楽科 講師  豊中三曲協会 会長

English Translation:

Shakuhachi Performer: Yuuzan Sakaguchi
Born in Osaka Prefecture in 1957. He began playing the shakuhachi at the Konan University Japanese Music Research Society.
Studied Tozan-style shakuhachi under the guidance of Kizan Nakamura and Fuke-shakuhachi under the guidance of Kifu Mitsuhashi
Passed the NHK Traditional Music Audition.
Awarded the First Place Excellent Award in the Shakuhachi Division at the 4th Hase Kenkyō National Japanese Music Competition, and received consecutive Encouragement Awards at the 7th and 8th competitions.
Won the Excellence Award at the 71st Annual Cultural Agency Arts Festival in 2016.
Has appeared on NHK FM's "Hōgaku no Hitotoki" and NHK General TV's "Kayo Show," among many other programs.
Member of the Japan Music Group.
Master Instructor of the Tozan-style Shakuhachi Society (Kōza) and Head of the Takurinken School.
Lecturer at Osaka University of Music's Japanese Music Department.
President of the Toyonaka Sangkyo Association.

Stay tuned for this week’s releases, and enjoy the musical journey! The first release is today and can be found below. Enjoy.

Shawn Tairyu Head

Shakuhachi 1: Sakaguchi Yuzan Shakuhachi 2: Shawn Tairyu Head Composer: 高 橋 一 寿 Takahashi Kazutoshi **2 0 2 3 年 作 曲 阪 口 夕 山 委 嘱** **Commissioned by Yuyama Sakaguchi, composed in 2023** **四 季 の 風 景 を 描 い た 尺 八 二 重 奏 曲。** A duet for shakuhachi depicting the four seasons. **秋 の 風 景 『爽 籟』、冬 の 風 景 「寒 凪」、春 の 風 景 「春 の 便 り」、夏 の 風 景 「夕 立」** Autumn landscape "Sōrai", Winter landscape "Kanagi", Spring landscape "Spring's Message", Summer landscape "Yūdachi" (evening shower). **1 楽 章 は 秋 風 の よ う に メ ロ デ ィ ッ ク に。** The first movement is melodic, like the autumn breeze. **2 楽 章 は 凍 て つ く 冬 の 空 気 を 描 い た 現 代 本 曲 風。** The second movement portrays the frozen winter atmosphere in a modern style. **3 楽 章 は は ら は ら 舞 う 桜 の 花 弁 を 描 い た ミ ニ マ ル 風。** The third movement is minimalist, depicting the gently falling cherry blossoms. **4 楽 章 は 激 し く、流 れ る よ う な 夕 立、そ し て 晴 れ 間 が 覗 く フ ィ ナ ー レ。** The fourth movement is intense, like the flowing evening shower, with a finale where the sky clears up.