The First Things To Study When Learning Shakuhachi.
What are the first things I should learn when I first begin studying Shakuhachi?
This will be a relatively short blog post today but I wanted to give a list of what I believe are to be the most important things to learn when first picking up the shakuhachi.
Learn how to care for the instruments. - You must first and foremost be sure not to break the bamboo shakuhachi. It is easy to do so if it isn’t stored properly. There are lots of sites and links teaching you how to do this. Google, “how to prevent my shakuhachi from breaking.”
Making your first basic sounds. - Have fun and experiment with making sounds. From that, you will learn so much.
Memorizing the basic notes for Shakuhachi Ro ロ Tsu ツ Re レ Chi 千 Ri リ i イ。This will really help speed along your process if you can memorize these. I have had lots of students in the past struggle because they could not get pasted reading the notes. Get it out of the way now and save yourself the time and money.
Taken in my home studio.
Ro Buki for 10, Thanks for reading
Shawn Renzoh Head